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SEARCH KEYWORD -- Open letter

  Forgotten TODOs: ideas for contributing to open-source projects

I often talk to students that want to contribute to open-source projects, but just don't have an idea what to work on. Here's a tip if you're in a similar situation (e.g. you want to apply for GSOC) : 1 git clone repository_url_of_some_open_source_project target_directory 2 grep -RIn TODO target_directory/* So, find the URL of the repository project you want to contribute to, checkout the repository using git/mercurial/svn and then find all the TODOs in the source code using grep. The -RI...

   Open source,constribution,TODO,participation     2012-03-03 22:30:28

  When Should Open Source Be Written Into Law?

As a systems administrator, I tend to think about source code and computing platform in large numbers. Computers however are getting smaller and more powerful, and the reality of computers that we put in or on our body as a normal daily routine is coming closer, and for many is already here. When our safety, our liberty, and our sense of humanity are tied to programmable devices, should we not only hope, but expect that we should have the right to examine how these devices function? Last ...

   Software,Open source,Time,Law     2012-01-28 07:23:09

  12 useful Chrome commands

Many useful features of Chrome don't show up on its menus. You can access them through the chrome:// command. In this article we will introduce 12 useful chrome:// commands. 1. chrome://flags It can be used to turn on or turn off some chrome features. 2. chrome://dns This command will show the domain name list caught by the browser. 3. chrome://downloads You can access this through chrome menu as well. The shortcut is Ctrl+J 4. chrome://extensions This command equals to Menu->Tools->Ext...

   Chrome,chrome://     2013-01-25 04:38:03

  GitHub launches a separate training page

Code hosting community Github has much proud data: 55 employees, Andreessen Horowitz promised a $100 million investment, $750 million valuation, a place developers stay longest since its launch in 2008 ... Github announced the official launch of a separate teaching page, to teach developers collaborative programming through various forms. Github announces the detail about the training program on its official blog, the entire training project has two modes : free and paid. The content of their t...

   GitHub,Training,Open source     2012-10-07 05:45:47

  UIWebView Secrets - Part1 - Memory Leaks on Xmlhttprequest

My first blog post on iphone subject reveal a big memory bug when using UIWebView component. This is the (only one) component to display some HTML content in an iphone interface. UIWebView object has a lot of differents issues and I’m going to highlight the biggest of them. Actually, all XMLHttpRequests used in javascript code are fully leaking!!! I mean when you do a request that retrieve 100ko of data, your memory used grow up for 100ko! This bug is not always active, but almost always....

   XMLHttpRequest,Memory leak,Mobile device,UIWebView     2011-11-25 13:46:30

  How to teach "Modern" Perl?

Since I started my Perl Tutorial series a couple of people commented on what and how I am teaching.Some people asked why did I show "open or die" and why not using autodie. Others recommended the use IO::All instead of open.Another complaint was the introduction of time and localtime instead of DateTime.While I was mostly writing parts of my regular training material these comments led me to think about it again. I wonder how to teach Perl in 2012?When I started to write the tutorial I still cal...

   Perl,Trainning,Teach,Modern,Modern Perl     2011-11-15 08:40:18

  How big is sizeof structure?

First let's see the codes of a structure: struct node{ int a; int b; }; Question : What's sizeof(node)? The answer is very simple, on a 32 bit machine, an int will take 4 bytes and two ints will take 8 bytes. So sizeof(node) is 8. The answer for the above codes is 8, then how about the following structure: struct node{ char a; int b; }; Question : Then what's sizeof(node) now? int takes 4 bytes, char takes 1 bytes, is the answer 5? Now the answer may not be 5, on some mac...

   Data structure alignment, pack     2012-10-29 12:13:37

  Writing Java codes conforming to coding standard

Recently, I was doing some cleanup to one of my current Java project. I find there are many codes which are not conforming to the Java coding standard. So I list them here and hope that people can improve your codes and write maintainable codes. Format source code and manage imports in Eclipse Eclipse provides functions of auto-formatting and imports management, you can use following shortcuts to use these functions. Ctrl+Shift+F --> Format source code Ctrl+Shift+O -- Manage imports an...

   Java, Code standard,Style     2012-09-18 12:50:28

  Big file transfer in Linux

It's very common that we need to transfer files between two different hosts such as backups. It is also an very simple task, we can use scp or rsync to complete the task well. But what if the file is very big, it may take some time to transfer it. How can we transfer a big file with high speed? Here we propose one solution. Copy file If we copy one uncompressed file, then we should follow below steps: Compress data Send it to another host Uncompress the data Verify the data integrity This will...

   Linux, SCP,ZIP     2013-01-10 05:55:50

  Overlap Detection

How does one detect when two strings overlap? In the case below, the four-letter suffix of string 1 matches the four-letter prefix of string 2. 1: "Fire at Will" 2: "William Riker is number one" Sometimes there are several matches; finding the longest is not always straight forward. 1: "Have some CoCo and CoCo" 2: "CoCo and CoCo is here." 2: "CoCo and CoCo is here." 2: "CoCo and CoCo is here." The naïve solution is to take...

   String overlap,detection,python,implementation     2012-03-05 05:05:36